To create a backup of all data in the database select Backup from the Backup menu.

By default backups are stored in the default directory or the directory selected in Settings (Tools > Settings).  However you will be able to change the name and or location of the backup when creating it.

A backup saves all the data in the database to a backup file which can be used to restore data if the database becomes damaged or data is lost.  The backup does not backup settings as these are stored separately.

Backups are automatically made at the frequency set in Settings and also when updates to the database are made.  A maximum number of backups can be set above which Golden Records will ask if you want to purge the older backups.  This can be unset in Settings so as to keep all backups, but as the program makes automatic backups the backup folder may get quite large over time.

Restoring Data

To restore a backup click Backup > Restore.  A list of all backups in the default location will be shown.

Select the desired file and click OK.  Golden Records will erase the current data and replace it with the backup version.

To restore a backup from a different location click "Restore From Different Location"